Our 3D Printer Station


Today I finally organized the area where the aircraft Ignition Wire Guards and other parts are printed.  The overhead filament spool rack is new.  The 1/2″ PVC plumbing tube is sagging a bit under the weight of the filament.  I may insert a metal rod reinforcement.

2 Replies to “Our 3D Printer Station”

  1. Hi, could you please let me know availability and price for 2 x sets of Your ignition cable for slick Ignition cables 7mm diam on a superior IO320.
    Shipment is to Augusta Western Australia 6290
    Thanks and regards

    1. Hi Kevin,

      The wire guards are only made with two hole sizes, 8mm intended for the automotive ignition wires used by Emag as in my N50KB, and 5mm. The price is $6.00 US each and two are used per engine, plus international shipping. Colors are Grey, Blue, Red, White, Green or Yellow.

      To place an order, Email your quantity and color to karl@bambas.com. I will then send a PayPal invoice. Expect wire guards to ship five days after payment.


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