Mobile: 352-942-3162
Email: karl@bambas.com

Mobile: 352-650-0977
Email: dolly@bambas.com
Karl, Dolly, Ancestors, Progeny and Activities
On our home computer I set up X-Panel planing software and started designing the instrument and switch layout.
The Garmin G3X system was selected for several reasons:
Started ordering switches and other electronic components. I have found the DigiKey online catalog the easiest to navigate when hunting for parts by function and feature, rather than part number. I also started downloading and printing over 1100 pages of Garmin installation and operations manuals. Continue reading “RV-7 IFR Panel Build Photos – 2015/16”
This is the picture story of the summer’s work on our RV-7. Something was done every day, and pictures were taken only to supplement the daily handwritten log. This is not an instruction manual as there were many, many steps in between those illustrated here.
As noted in our status report, the RV-7 Quickbuild Wings and Fuselage arrived in Michigan on June 4th. They were delivered to Dalton Airport (3DA) in Flushing, trailered to our shop, and the wings set into cradles with the help of friends from EAA Chapter 77.
Dolly and I had fun uncrating and unpacking.
It was exciting to be introduced to our next airplane.
Into the shop it goes. Continue reading “A Summer of Progress – 2015”