A Summer of Progress – 2015

June 2015

This is the picture story of the summer’s work on our RV-7.  Something was done every day, and pictures were taken only to supplement the daily handwritten log.  This is not an instruction manual as there were many, many steps in between those illustrated here.

As noted in our status report, the RV-7 Quickbuild Wings and Fuselage arrived in Michigan on June 4th.  They were delivered to Dalton Airport (3DA) in Flushing, trailered to our shop, and the wings set into cradles with the help of friends from EAA Chapter 77.


Dolly and I had fun uncrating and unpacking.

It was exciting to be introduced to our next airplane.


Into the shop it goes. Continue reading “A Summer of Progress – 2015”

Scratch Built Annunciator Panels

Some people call them “Idiot Lights”, lights that are on under some condition, and off when that condition is not present.  Pilots may have strong opinions on whether or not they are useful.  Many state that most annunciator functions can now be implemented through the glass panel displays that many of us are installing, and therefore an annunciator panel is just adding  unnecessary complexity.

If forgetting to turn off a fuel boost pump after takeoff, or not remembering to turn on strobe lights before starting the engine makes one an idiot, then count me in.  Our RV-7 is going to have an annunciator panel.  Exactly what conditions will be monitored is yet to be determined.

Inspired by the work of Paul Dye and others, I decided to build my own. Continue reading “Scratch Built Annunciator Panels”



Dolly and I started construction of the RV-7 empenage on November 4th after voting.  72 days later (70 shop days) the tail feathers are assembled except for the fiberglas tips that will be attached later.

This post is the story of building the elevators.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe right and left elevators are identical except for a pitch trim tab that sits in an inboard cutout in the left elevator. Construction starts with the spars and is similar to the rudder,

Counterbalance arms containing lead weights are attached on the outboard edges of the elevators Continue reading “Empennage”