Move to the Airport

October 11,2016

The big day!  Dolly and I have been building this RV-7 for almost two years. Each has had a significant milepost.  In 2015 it was the test fitting of the wings to the fuselage.  This year it’s the airport move.







Dalton Airport (3DA) is a small private/public airport located on one of the main streets in Flushing, Michigan. Pole barn hangars with electric doors line the sides of both the sod and the 3500′ hard surface runway. EAA Chapter 77 owns a cavernous main hangar and one of the smaller hangars where I rent space.  That’s where we are going.
The move was blissfully uneventful. I had arranged for a tilt-bed automobile hauler from Norm’s Towing in Montrose.  Norm showed up on time; the plane was winched up the ramp and strapped down.  It was threatening rain, but we were prepared with a tarp.  Twelve miles and $100 later we were ensconced in our new home.

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